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Reclaiming Your Personal Power

Reclaiming your personal power

Reclaiming Your Personal Power.

Choosing to be in the now or the present moment is the best state for you to empower yourself, to be most resourceful and reclaim your personal power, because in reality, it is the only space we have to make changes.

The past is done with and only the experience and the meaning you give to it remains.

The future has not even happened yet so stop the “what if” routine and focus on being present now because that’s where you can have the most influence on where your life is going.
Who you are being, thinking and what you choose to do is the most important consideration for you to focus on.

Relax and give yourself permission to take action on bringing your goals and aspirations into reality.

Reclaiming your personal power can start today!
How do I do that?
Firstly, write your goals down in black and white; get them out of your head
Then you can add some meaning and emotion to them. If you have too many goals, give them a rating out of ten where ten is the most important and work on those 8 and higher first;
this will give you priorities and focus on what matters most.
Nothing happens until you do something, that is take ACTION.
If something gets in the way examine it and consider what it’s about.
Is it real or imagined?
If it’s that little voice trying to keep you safe, acknowledge it and if you really want it and it sits well with your heart, head and gut, proceed with your goals.

Reinforcing your goals and the choices you make is how you claim back your personal power.

If you enjoyed this post look at…s-what-you-get/

If you need some help claiming your personal power give me a call, Colin 0419 568 043

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Gratitude benefits

Gratitude can lift the mind

Gratitude benefits – how does it work?

Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back

and realise they were the big things ~ Robert Braulk

How does having or finding gratitude help me?
The daily practice of writing about things or people you are grateful for in a gratitude journal encourages you to find things that are positive, uplifting, inspiring and support you.

The benefits of this are:

  • It creates the thinking of abundance and increases your self-worth or self-esteem because you are more focused on those things, that you treasure and appreciate, such as friendships and relationships.
  • You discover you have more personal power over your life than you previously imagined.
  • You can stop being a  victim of your situation and reach out to the love, the joy and the peace of being present in your own space.
  • Allows you to open your heart space and be open to life’s lessons and learnings and in the face of pain and fatigue overcome depression.

Strategies to assist you in finding gratitude:

   Rest: quality sleep is important to improve your mood and mental health. It also affects your memories and those you consider to be happier and positive. It will lift your energy levels as well.

 Socialise:  Get out of the house and reach out to others to counteract feelings of isolation and preoccupation with problems.

     Exercise: As little as 30 minutes per day is enough to relieve tension, lessen stress and improve your mental state.

Change your thinking habits:  celebrate your successes and milestones. they are points of reference to your wellbeing.

Helping others: making a contribution to something larger than ourselves builds self-worth and self-esteem.

Consider medications: Visit your Doctor and get help

Establish positive daily habits: Keeping a regular daily routine regardless of how you feel can lift your spirits and allow you to focus on what’s important to you.


Finding gratitude improves our capacity to trust, be more social, be more appreciative and makes space for more friends on a deeper level at a deeper level of connection.

This means you are more able to enjoy life’s simple pleasures, be less envious, have more positive feelings, be more relaxed,  and are more resilient.

If you need help with any of those things let me know 0419 568 043 .

As a Certified NLP Life Coach and Mentor, I can help you to believe in yourself again and to trust your own intuition.

Like to learn more?