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The past can hurt you or you can learn from it!

(Thank you Walt Disney and Irmie83)

The past can hurt you or you can learn from it!

Mistakes or failures in most cases have lessons for us if we choose to learn from them.
Often we allow these things to get in the way and stop us from growing to be more.
And yes the pain lingers, however the meaning we choose to give those
experiences is more important as this is what shapes and allows us to
become more self-aware and resourceful.

Think about it, when have you learnt the most important lessons in your life… I call them defining
moments and I’ll bet it was when you were challenged or found the going tough and confronting.
My message here is look for the gift , the lesson when those challenges arise and your life will
most likely be richer and deeper for the experience and what you attach to it .

If you would like the enlightening experience of discovering what some of your defining moments mean
I’d be happy to help you unpack them with you.
This can happen during a consultation with me.
Give me a call to arrange your best time with Colin 0419 568 043

Like to know more, click here

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Our Life Choices Help Shape Our Reality

Life Choices help shape our reality

Our life choices help shape our reality.

Have you ever wondered how our life and our reality is created?
It follows our thoughts, emotions, choices and actions, leading to results in that order.
This means our life choices are important and we need a little time to choose our response when an event occurs, rather than just reacting to it.

Our life choices do help shape our reality.

You’re probably wondering what this has to do with our relationships?

Firstly Intention and attention. Our intention guides our thoughts and attention brings into focus where our energy and resources will go.

The first step is to get clear on what you want, then what you are thinking about it and the meaning you attach to it.

How to go about it

Getting it down on paper is a great start.
Discovering why you want it is equally important as it will drive you to put in the steps to attract and achieve it.
Does it sit well with your values? Included in this is a consideration of your heart, mind and gut response to your choices.
For what purpose is an excellent question to ask?
Asking what it will give you is very revealing too!

What to do next

When these questions have been answered , the next step is to discover how you might achieve the goal or outcome you have chosen.

Work out your action plan and then set about achieving it, step by step until completion.

Now you may have to correct or alter your course if it’s not going to plan and that  is ok too.

Treat the feedback constructively and avoid taking it personally.

Review your successes and  when you have achieved your goal, celebrate it.

Well done.

If this post resonates with you look at “Lead with the Heart”