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What this site is about- setting people free

Green and growing or ripe and rotting
Setting people free

Life Coaching Adelaide – setting people free is about helping people to transform their lives primarily by reinventing themselves. Why do this?

Well, shit happens and when it does you’ll want to know who to call or what to do!
It’s about replacing unhealthy self-talk and behaviours that sabotage our emotions, impede our communications and erode our self-belief.

It’s about finding certainty of purpose and meaning in our lives, building up our confidence and trusting ourselves to again to know the way forward.

Little steps towards improving our beliefs, values, emotions and habits is the way to go.
There are a lot of distractions in our lives these days with technology and our fast pace of living and our environment does not always allow time to reflect on what is important or what really matters.

Sometimes we have to schedule some me time for reflection just to stay sane. It is also possible that you’re not sure how to go about it.

Often this involves overcoming any obstacles that get in the way or slow us down and rethinking what’s important to us.
It’s about overcoming and letting go of “shit” that does not serve us anymore, some of which we do not know where it even came from and it just gets in the way of us having meaningful relationships.

This means we can get on with our lives, have better communications with our loved ones, have peace of mind, find the serenity and the fulfilment in our lives that we deserve.

Sometimes we have to schedule some me time for reflection just to stay sane. It is also possible that you’re not sure how to go about it.

All this without even mentioning kids, teenagers or family in the mix.

Life Coaching Adelaide Blog (Aka Colin) can help you with that. and yes I’ve been in the self-doubt camp, had to reinvent myself, overcome relationship issues and am still learning how to improve myself.

Whatever is going on in your life that is challenging you and causing you grief can with the help of a personal Life Coach/Mentor be examined and changed so it is no longer a problem because how you perceive your life determines how you live it and your results.

I have posted tips and insights to help you along the way with your journey or life experience.

Ask Colin… Life Coaching Adelaide blog… 0419568043 on Facebook

Check out this link if you want to fast track reinvent yourself

If you need help right now? Let’s have that conversation about your challenges or issues and discover together what options and choices you have that you may not have thought of yet.


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Reinventing Yourself

A crisis involves both danger and opportunitiess
Crises= danger + opportunity

Reinventing yourself or the need to makeover oneself can come from many causes, Job loss or change,
relationship breakdown, divorce, separation, sickness and death to name a few.
The one thing they all have in common is crisis and opportuinity.
It is a wake up call that something if different in your life now and a change is necessary.
The pain you are experiencing will remain until you find a way to deal with it and resolve it.
Sometimes it’s not even something you have done and you still have to respond to it.

It is in that moment when you take stock and examine both the dangers and the opportunities ( your skills, experience and talents) to reinvent
yourself that your new life or self is redefined or recreated.
It is important that you get some good advice  as I say in the video and quickly.
Obvious areas to address are financial, health and wellness.
Surround yourself with a good support team to help you through the crisis whatever it is.
How you respond to the crisis and what you choose to make it mean is important too.
What can you do?
3 things to reinvent yourself.
1)Self-care: Look after yourself, get enough sleep(8.0 hours a night) enough sunlight(30 minutes/day)
drink plenty of water and eat wholesome foods.Exercise (30 minutes/day) even walking for this time will make a difference to your wellbeing.
Simplify your life and that may mean learning to say NO!

2) Focus on what you want – write down your options and pick out the top 3 and work on your best choice for you.
If you can language it you can have it. Notice what you feel and what you are telling yourself about these options and choose the ones that
make you come alive.That one will have the most staying power for you.

3) I have a model from NLP you’ll find useful- called Be Do Have and in order to get the change you want you have to be emotionally(Be), that is feel the change
that you want and think it and then find a big enough why to drive you to take action (Do) towards it to get the outcome you want (Have).

Now if you need some help working your way through these issues give me a call – Colin 0419568043
I’ve been through it myself and it can be stressful and get you down.

You do not have to do it alone. Let’s have a conversation about your situation in a judgement free and confidential space,
Kind Regards
Colin Slater