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Get Courageous

Celebrating gratitude is good for the heart
Gratitude opens your heart space


Be grateful for all your experiences as you were growing up, whether in the country or the city.

Each day is a wonderful journey of discovery for a child, a day of adventure, discovering what is in the wide world. Sure there may have been chores, however there was time to explore the world and all it offered, shaping the life you live now.

Be grateful for parents, family, friends, teachers and mentors, all of whom influence or shape who you are today.

It is both humbling and inspiring to experience your humanness with all its imperfections and magnificence.

Be grateful for your life, what has been, is now and is to come – with all its possibilities.


Celebrate, because gratitude when expressed out loud and often is a very powerful force.
It opens up the ‘heart’ space, broadens your thinking and your self-awareness.
Get courageous and practice gratitude daily so that you do and have all that you are meant to be. Remember to say thank you, often. You are truly blessed.

Colin Slater

This article appears in the book ; The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude

Created by Donna Kozic. It can be seen and bought at via this link

My article appears in March -2013, page 90, in the above book.

Enjoy and take time to reflect on what you are grateful about.

Try it, you will be surprised at the result.

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Ninja Bear seeks the truth about the universe

ninja bear seek answers to mystery of universe
Master, how will I find the secret to the universe?

Master, I have travelled far and wide and have been unable to uncover the secret of the universe.

How can I get the answer to this perplexing question?

It is simply Ninja Bear , you’ve been looking in the wrong place!

Where must I look Master?

Inside yourself Ninja Bear, look into your heart, the answers are always there.

How will I know that I have found it Master?

There are only two questions Ninja Bear to which find the answer you must!

What are the questions Master?

Firstly, You must decide what outcome you want?

Secondly you must decide what you are prepared to do to achieve this outcome.

Then you will have found to secret to your quest, Ninja Bear, like a true warrior.

Thank you Master.