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Surviving Covid19, Omicron or whatever comes next

when you need a hand

Surviving Covid 19,

If you still think Covid19 or Omicron is a myth then you are mistaken or living in some alternate universe.

Or maybe you have not experienced it yet for real.

I have and it’s not nice. It can be debilitating.

When I thought I might have it, I checked on the symptoms of Covid 19 and some of them matched, so I thought this is more like the flu, runny nose, brain fog and a cough. Then the weird sore throat hit me along with gut pains like I’ve never had and fatigue like I’ve just run 9.0 kilometres( I have done that)

So I thought it prudent to get a PCR test just in case it was Covid 19. Results came back 24 hours later, you are positive and must isolate for 7 days.

If this happens to you, get some sound medical advice (besides isolating the required time etc) and look after yourself.

Each person seems to have a different experience with Covid. Ensure you have good support medically and emotionally as it will affect your capacity to work, especially if you are interacting, face to face with customers as in retail( I am ) or hospitality.

So I isolated along with my wife, yes we both had it, for 7 days and returned to work as symptoms had abated, thank goodness.

Quick background facts; I was triple vaccinated and had a flu shot, prior to contracting Covid so I recommend getting your vaccinations done fully to assist with your recovery.

It is likely that other variants of this virus will come into our communities, so be proactive  please, get your vaccinations asap.

Medical support from your GP can be accessed through telephone now in most Australian towns.

Be kind to yourself and your family allowing time to recover because some people take longer than others to regain their health.

If you need someone to talk to besides a trusted friend, call me at 0419568043 or email

I emphasise the conversation is of a general nature and not intended to be professional medical advice or mental health consultation. I do not do therapy or counselling, however, I can help you with useful everyday strategies to transform your life based on your specific situation.

It will be judgement free and confidential.

We live in challenging and uncertain times and need new strategies to cope with an ever-changing world.

Let me help you navigate it.


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Coping with uncertainty and anxieties

What you give energy to will expand

We live in challenging times and in circumstances unlike any other time in history and it certainly looks and feels that way.
Yes, there have been pandemics before and loss of life however, the circumstances have not been so serious or so frightening or affected the way we live like this episode of Covid 19 ( coronavirus) and its variant (omicron).
So what can we do to survive this challenge?

What can you control?
Firstly, be kind to yourself and give yourself a bit of slack to respond and work your way through any problems that arise.
It’s new territory, so take your time. Work out what matters, what’s important AND let the rest GO!

As we come out of this period of uncertainty and loss of connections, it is important o focus on what matters.

It may well mean reassessing what you now choose to take up doing as important for you and what you choose to let go as unimportant. Keep doing the things that give you joy and let go of those things which do not.

Life is too short to be concerned about unimportant things or details.

If you need mental health help see your GP or health provider and look after yourself. get good quality sleep, eat healthy wholesome food and get some sunshine and exercise each day.

Start or keep your gratitude journal –  write 3 things you’re grateful for each day and note how your wellness state improves over the next month.

If you would like to see more tips go here

If you need additional help call me, Colin Slater 0419 568 043.

What do you do to stay resilient in the face of uncertainty and anxieties? Let me know.