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Begin now where ever you are at

Transformations, what’s it about?

Will it last?


“You and I possess within ourselves at every moment of our lives, under all circumstances, the power to transform the quality of our lives.” ~Werner Erhard

Transformations involves change, something we often resist or are anxious about unless our reason to change is more powerful or compelling.

There’s always the little voice in our heads trying to keep us “safe” and to remain as we are now.

It helps to look at the benefits or the outcome of the change to move us forward. What will it mean when you have it? the change I mean. What will it look like and feel like? What are you willing to let go of to have it?

I had a former NLP trainer, Joe Pane, who used to say “You are either green and growing or ripe and rotting”

Now in order to grow, we have to step outside our comfort zone, learn new thoughts and new ways of looking at ourselves. Yes, it will be unfamiliar until we accept it and adopt it as a new value or belief.

“I’ve never seen any life transformation that didn’t begin with the person in question finally getting tired of their own nonsense.” ~Elizabeth Gilbert

So where or how do we start a transformation?

Finding our WHY is most important. Get that right and the rest will follow. Staying where you are or repeating the same thoughts will not change your outcome.

Can you language it? The change you want I mean. Write it down in black and white. This is to get it out of your head and down where you can see it and work on it.

Give it a rating between 1-10 where 10 is super important. If it’s not 8 or more, forget it and find something that is.

Once you’ve worked out what it is you want and are prepared to act on it, then it is time to reinforce your reason why.

Get started without delay until completion. Review if you need to, keeping in mind what you wanted.

Check out my post on challenges here

If you need help with any of this, call me, 0419568043 or email me

Have any comments, about this, leave them here.

Need more information? Check out my Facebook page


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Transforming Your Life

                                  Transforming Your life         

Ask for help
    • How can I change my Life you may be asking?

Yes, you can, with a little help from a life coach, me.

    It’s about having a closer look into those areas of your life that may be causing you grief or are a challenge and you’d like some answers or strategies to deal with them and get on with your life.
    It’s also an opportunity to reassess what’s important, what’s not and how you might achieve the outcomes you now want in your life.
    Working with a life coach is a confidential and judgement-free space allowing you space to reflect and choose what forward looks like, sounds like and would feel like for you.
  • You may desire to refocus your energy, make more of your time, build better relationships, boost your self-worth, review your attitude about your health and wealth or get inspired to redirect and grow your life.
  • You may be “stuck” and not sure how to move forward or the steps involved to improve your situation.
    We all have dreams we’d like to realise, things we’d like to change or do differently in our lives.
  • We’re full of good intentions, yet we’re all so busy and the changes seem too big and overwhelming or we’re not sure where to start. We convince ourselves that we don’t have the time, the support, the resources or the know-how to get started, let alone do things differently.
  • Well, you’re not alone and more importantly, you are in a good position to make a start TODAY.
    You CAN transform your life step by step and day by day, very quickly by following my five-step plan which gets you thinking differently about where you are heading, by finding your BIG why and then taking action towards your chosen outcome or goal.

My Five-step plan to be more:

  • Find where you are at now?
  • What do you really want?
  • What’s the gap between the two?
  • What are your options to achieve this goal or outcome?
  • Take massive action?

A Life coach will assist you to:

  • Get clear on what you really want as an outcome or goal in your life and where it fits into your life plan.
  • Get your “shit“ together so you can enjoy your life to the fullest and not be “bugged” by emotional baggage we tend to drag around. Some of it we’re not even sure where it came from and we’re not sure how to manage it or deal with it.
  • Connect with your dreams and focus on what’s important to you.
  • Assist you to picture or imagine what you want, create a vibrant vision of your future and then encourage you to take action to get it.
  • Discover reasons why you want that particular outcome.
  • Be accountable to your goals and help you to remove or change any limitations you may have about achieving those goals or outcomes. Sometimes we let things get in the way and we do not even realise it.
  • Celebrate your achievements with you and inspire you to stretch and reach your outcome or goals.

Colin is a certified NLP Life coach who works with men and women who have busy lifestyles and are ready to transform their lives, step by step, day by day to realise and enjoy a purposeful and fulfilling life.


Why use a certified coach?
The lack of regulation in the coaching industry currently, means anyone can call themselves a coach regardless of whether they are a certified trained coach or not.

I have trained at a recognised established coach training institution, The Coaching Institute in Melbourne, Australia.
Why NLP?
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)- neuro meaning thought, how we think; linguistic meaning language, how we communicate; and programming is to do with how it is put together or how we process information to be more resourceful to us or how we make sense of our world.

NLP provides us with tools to manage our own brain and control our states, emotions and behaviours. In other words, it is a way or method to achieve maximum results easily and quickly by modelling effective thinking and communication.

Why do this? 
When you take this path of self-discovery and change you’ll learn about what drives you, why you make the choices you do and how you can open your mind to new possibilities or choices and be more successful.
Little and often leads to success. If you’re in a boat and you alter your course by a few degrees, over a period of time you will end up in an entirely different destination.

The point of this introduction is to invite you to kick-start the next phase of your life – whatever that may be or mean to you. Perhaps it’s something you have been thinking about and have been putting it off or it’s in the too-hard basket or you have too many options to choose from.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a chat with someone to help you get a more focused direction and purpose in your life and that it is judgement free and confidential?

How do you get started?
The first step is to have a conversation with a Life Coach, to discover where you are now and where you desire or intend to be in the future, say in the next 90 days and how you will bridge that gap. Creating an action plan to bring that intent to reality will see you moving towards your goals.

You can contact me on 0419 568 043 or email me and I will get back to you in 24 hours

Start planning the next phase of your life today.
I limit the number of clients I see each month so I can really focus on your needs and achieve results. I’ll tell you how it really is, no “BS” approach in a judgment-free and confidential space.

My fees are competitive and represent great value for the service provided.

I will not leave you to flounder until the job is completed and you are able to “drive” your own car.

So leave a brief message, sms or call me today and I’ll get back to you asap.
Colin Slater 0419 568 043

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